Thursday, April 9, 2015

Network Marketing-Rockin' Instagram

Network marketing Rockin' Instagram


If a picture is worth a 1000 Words, than with Instagram on your Marketing table several dozen pictures could be worth Thousands to you bank account. Taking a in depth look at the Social Giant.

     A picture these days on Instagram is worth more than a thousand words.

With the Social Media giant making it's voice known, a thousand words can turn into a thousand conversions. Marketers are taking notice and branding themselves in a whole new way.

     Engagement with brands among users of the Instagram Network is far superior to that of any other social media platform.

 Everyone wants to run to Facebook to post their latest product, but of the 7 top social media networks Instagram's engagement rate is running close to 5%.

 While the rate of the others can't even manage 1%.

     In a recent Forrester research report by Nate Elliott, Instagram has 58 times the engagement rate of Facebook and a whooping 120 times more engagement than Twitter. Marketers are taking note of this with plenty of room for improvements and a great niche' for the creative marketer willing to think outside the box.

     Social Media Marketing Industry Report shows that marketing efforts on Instagram are up 10% from a year ago with more than 40% increasing their brand present in the going year.

     Again be creative with your postings. Followers are looking for something to engage them, something to grab their attention and make them feel as if they are part of the action. Endless product placement ads are not the answer.

     I follow some of these advertisers and when running across the same ads over and over again I tune them out and move on to other posts. If you're not engaging and creative than you're just wasting time and effort. Do us a favor and learn a trick or two.

I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.
Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me
Let's Talk.

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