Sunday, April 28, 2013

Chest 101 #3


   As you can see the guy on the right is sporting quite the chest development.

 That is some set of man boobs, but we all don't have the genetics for that, or we don't have the time or the age advantage. 

Whatever your age or your time restrictions though we can all improve muscle growth and body-image by getting into the weight room and pumping the tar out of the chest.

 I think I've mentioned this before and if not a lot of people have--but chest day is for most lifters the best day of the week.

     For the last in this series we're going to up the reps for some definition, and we're going to look at one of my favorite things to do and that's the pre-exhaust.

 Spoken of mainly for the chest I like to look and see if there's anywhere else I can incorporate the pre-exhaust into some other body part. 

The purpose of the pre-exhaust it two fold--1-to exhaust the muscle and then push it beyond what you think your capable of and the second is to try to exhaust a smaller muscle group helping in the particular lift you are doing so only the chest muscles on the second set is doing the work.

 Give it a shot and see what happens.

 The pre-haust is not an every workout move, so use it sparingly and be safe and have fun.

Defining the Muscle-

Multi-Angle DB Press--- 3 sets@ 18 reps-move the angle of the bench ever 6 reps

Multi-Angle Bar Press---3 sets@ 18 reps-move the angle of the bench ever 6 reps


Incline Fly---4 sets@ 12 reps

DB Pullover---2 sets@ 12 reps

Push-Ups---2 sets@ 15 to 30 reps


Incline Fly---3 sets@ 15, 12, and 8 reps

Incline Barbell Press---3 sets@ 8, 12, and 15 reps- reversing the reps means heavy weight first

Machine Fly---3 sets@ 12 reps

superset with

Seated Chest Press---3 sets@ 8, 10, and 12 reps

Push-Ups---3 sets---15 to 30 reps

Want a Chest like the guy above-order your Protein here!!!!!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Triceps 101 #4

Tricep Horseshoes


     As we move into the third installment in this series on triceps, we look at ways of forcing tricep muscles to grow.

 Arms are some of the easiest muscle on the body to make them pop, but occasionally they stall out.

 Tricep's are notorious at this and need a little boost now and again.

 Don't be afraid to shock them into reality once and a while.

 With the switching it up routine we have the 4 steps forward which in and of itself is a bit of a shocker, so with these two routines you should see continued muscle growth, for sleeve busting arms. 

     With your arms, both tricep and bicep,  sporting some heavy duty muscle, the body-image portrayed will read-don't mess with me I lift weights. 

OK  just a little humor-let's all get along??? Become the machine you need to be to get through your day.


Switching it Up-

Skullcrusher---4 sets@ 15,10,8, and 5 reps

Standing Overhead Rope Extensions---4 sets@ 6,8,10, and 12 reps

Dips---3 sets@ 10 reps

superset with

Close Grip Push-Up---3 sets to failure---hard to do if your heavy-do them on your knees until your stronger enough or your weight is down

4 Steps Forward-

Reverse Grip Bench Press---4 sets@ 12,10,8, and 8 reps---to avoid overdo stress on the wrist use DB

Skullcrusher---4 sets@ 12,10,8, and 8 reps

Incline Dual Overhead Extensions---4 sets@ 12,10,8, and 8 reps-watch your head and neck

Close Grip Push-Ups--4 sets to failure

Bust out those Triceps order Protein here!!!!!

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Softball Size Biceps


     We have covered Mass , Forcing the Growth, Switching It Up, and 4 Steps forward workouts so far in the bicep series.

 Now we come to the last 2 Powering the Bicep and Defining the Muscle.

 Power and Strength runs along the same lines as Mass  so by now we should be poppin' some pretty big guns, and we'll need some Switching it Up to show them off properly.

     Biceps and Triceps are some of the easiest muscles to work on and start showing results quickly.

 It does take time and commitment to be a bodybuilder, { I to like you have trouble sometimes with the commitment part }, but looking in the mirror and seeing the result is satisfying.

     These shorter routines were designed for you and me, who unlike pro-bodybuilders do not have the time to eat , train, sleep, eat, train, sleep.

 In our world we have other sources of income to pursuit and life in general to challenge our time commitment.

Powering the Bicep-

Standing Barbell Curl---5 sets@ 12,10,8,5, and 3 reps

Close Grip Pull-Up---3 sets@ 10,8,and 8 reps---palms facing you grip

Incline DB Curl---3 sets@ 10,8, and8 reps

Reverse Grip Cable Curl---2 sets@ 10, and 8 reps

Defining the Muscle-

Standing EZ Bar Pole Curl---3 sets@ 20,15, and 12 reps-standing with your back against the wall

Standing DB Hammer Pole Curl---3 sets@ 20,15, and 12 reps-same as above

Lying Cable Curl---3 sets@ 15 reps-lying on the floor

Cable Concentrated Curl---3 sets@ 15 reps

Make those biceps pop with Protein order here!!!!!



More Back Please


    We continue with the third and final installment for back workouts in this series, but there will be other series, I'm sure, down the road. 

These are all pretty old school workouts, produced to be done mostly at home, because why-I hate the gym-but enough of my hangups.

 Putting on muscle is putting on muscle and just about anything works as long as you mix it up a little and actually do the workouts

. Motivating yourself and taking the time to meditate on what you desire can be as big a challenge as doing the lifting.

 But remember studs and studette's you are bodybuilders, and bodybuilders are made up of a different mindset.

     The first routine is designed to increase your strength levels and it centered around the barbell deadlift. 

Work your way down to a single rep on this lift, pyramiding up the weight on each set. 

 Striving for incremental strength increases workout to workout.

 The second routine is design to move stubborn back muscles into growth by shocking them. 

It's design to hit the back from different angles and bring on muscle failure through compound set. 

Have fun be safe and grow, grow, grow.

Power through the Lift-

Deadlifts---6 sets@ 12,10,8,6,4, and 1 reps

Bent-Over Barbell Row---4 sets@ 10,8,8, and 6 reps

Reverse Grip Pulldown---3 sets@ 10,8, and 8 reps

Good Morning---3 sets@ 10 reps-caution needs to be taken on your form and watch the amount of weight you use

Switching it Up-

Weighted Pull-Ups---30 reps

One Arm Machine Row---4 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Bent-Over Reverse Grip Row---4 sets@ 6 to 8 reps

superset with

Close Hammer Grip Pulldown---4 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Good Morning---3 sets@ 10 reps

Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!


The Oblique Tuck


     The first routine we work on today is concentrated on the oblique's.

 These moves or any ab exercise that involves a twisting motion will work the obliques, which are on either side of your six-pack, { or the six pack you plan on having }.

     The second routine will change things up for you if you're a little bored with the same old method you're currently using.

 Circuit training it a great way to break out of a training rut.

 So with your weight-loss under way let's work that mid-section, and add some muscle, so that at the beach or the pool we're not the ones to heavy to strip down. 

Oblique Work-

Side Dipping---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps---take your DB's in both hands--flare them out at your side--and dip down on one side and then the other--concentrate on feeling the muscles on your sides working
Crossover Crunch---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps
Side Jackknife---3 sets@ 12 reps--per side


4 Steps Routine-

Incline Bench Leg Raise---4 sets@ 15 reps---lie on an incline board so your head is above your feet hold the bench with both hands and perform leg raises
Crunch---4 sets@ 15 reps
Decline Twisting Crunch---4 sets@ 15 reps---combine decline and twisting crunch
Reverse Crunch---4 sets@ 15 reps

Extreme Weight-Loss order skinne' here!!!!!

Work that tummy.


Saturday, April 20, 2013

The Delt Machine-Phase #2


     If your noticeably weak in the shoulder area, then this first routine should serve you well.

 Once you've established lifting more weight than the muscle  growth will follow, and setting you up nicely for other routines, with continuing muscle growth.

 Follow through and you will get there.

 Once that muscle growth starts to show your going to link into routine number 2

. High Definition will carve these shoulders into cannonball size projectiles.

 You'll look great wearing tanks and sporting a great new tan.

Power it Up-

Upright DB Row---3 sets@ 15,10,and 8 reps

Seated Barbell Press---5 sets@ 10,10,8,8, and 5 reps---keep that back straight

Standing DB Press---3 sets@ 10,8, and 8 reps

Leaning Lateral Raise---2 sets@ 10 to 12 reps---hold a stationary object-lean away from it and preform DB lateral raise

Standing Cable Reverse Fly---2 sets@ 10 to 12 reps


Defining the Muscle-

Seated DB Press---4 sets@ 15 to 20 reps

super set with

EZ Bar Upright Row---4 sets@ 15 to 20 reps

DB Dual Front Raise---3 sets@ 12 reps

DB Lateral Raise---3 sets@ 12 reps

Upright Row---3 sets@ 8 reps---count to 10 slowly on the way up

Muscle up order your Protein here!!!!!

helping you reach your absolutes in an ever 
changing world

Legs 101 #2


     It's leg day again which means that tomorrow morning the toilet will be your worst enemy.

 We're going to take a look at Hamstring work and put an emphasis on over-all width of the leg.

 I've been reading lots of material and listening to several different sources and the message I'm getting back is very confusing.

 One source says don't do deadlifts because that will give you a larger waist.

 I've mentioned before that I tend to store almost all my excess weight around my waist so should chunkier people be doing deadlifts or not.

Hold on it gets worst, you're not to do squats because that affects something else, and you're not to do single movements like extensions or lying leg curls.

     I think these people all own gym's,{ and they might }, because if you take away all of the above, what the hell is left.

 I won't use to many bad words here, I'll just say screw them.

 I will squat, I will deadlift, and I will do isolation moves like extensions, and if I have to I'll modify my weight-loss program.

 So give them a big one finger salute and let's continue on.

Hamstring Strength-

Deadlift---4 sets@ 12,10,8, and 8 reps-can be Romanian, but I prefer bending the knees to lift-watch your not using your back to much or putting it at an angle were it can be damaged

Leg Curls---3 sets@ 10 to 12 reps---seated or standing

Lying Leg Curls---3 sets@ 15,12, and 10 reps-enough weight to feel the movement, but light enough to move slowly through the movement

Quadizza Quads

Squat---4 sets@ 10reps--feet outside of shoulder width

Side Lunge---4 sets@ 12 reps---Dumbbells work great

Front Lunge---4 sets@ 12 reps

Cable Pull---4 sets@ 8 reps-per leg---you attach strap around one ankle at a time, steady yourself, stand with your side to the machine and move the leg that's strapped away from the machine-time consuming at first until you get the hang of it, then it's great for the inner and outer thigh, similar to an abductor machine

Tricep 101 #3


Muscle up order here!!!!!

     The first routine will put muscle on and give you the strength to use it when you need it.

 Don't be shy to throw a lot of weight on the bar or dumbbells and power through.

 Making up the largest part of the upper arm we really need to hit the triceps hard every time out.

 You can't define your triceps if you don't have them? 

Once you have the mass the second routine comes into play. 

You have the mass now you need cuts, definition,and striations to show through and give you that horseshoe look.

 High definition will etch out that look for you.Be safe and have fun.

Greater Strength-

Close=-Grip Press---5 sets@ 12,10,8,8, and 6 reps-use the dumbbells for truly heavy weight

Incline Skullcrusher---3 sets@ 10,8, and 6 reps-watch your skull

Overhead Rope Extensions-3 sets@ 10,8, and 8 reps- much easier on the shoulder joints with the rope on a machine

Dips---2 sets-to failure-weighted dips if possible


Defining the Muscle-

1/2 Rep Close Grip Press---4 sets@ 25 to 30 reps-only doing the bottom half-DB's work fine

V-Bar Pushdown---3 sets@ 20,15, and 15 reps-equipment

Reverse Grip Pushdown---3 sets@ 20,15, and 15 reps

Cable Extensions---3 sets@ 15 reps

Bicep 101 #3


Up your Weight_loss with skinne' order here

     Here we are again in our never ending pursuit of the softball size bicep muscles, and I've got a couple of routines that will pump out the sleeves on your shirt so let's get going. 

 The first routine employs the forced reps approach, as this routine works well with a partner, but if your training alone don't think you can't give it a try.

 The second routine is a shocker, as we try to shock those stubborn biceps into growth. 

Remember that as a smaller muscle group we try to hit the bicep, on average, only once a week, so give it everything you've got. 

Then for the next 5 to 7 days let them rest and grow.

Make Them Grow-

Standing EZ Bar Curl---4 sets@ 15,12,10, and 8 reps

Standing Dual DB Curl---3 sets@ 8 to 10 reps

Machine Curl---3 sets@ 10 reps-short but sweet,work hard

Switching it Up-

Barbell Curl---4 sets@ 15,12,10, and 8 reps

Dual Hammer Preacher Curl---4 sets@ 8,8,10, and 12 reps

Seated Barbell Curl---3 sets@ 10 reps-concentrate on the squeeze at the top of the rep

compound with

Alternate DB Curl---3 sets to failure

Muscle up order your Protein here!!!!!

More Back


Up your Weight-Loss with skinne' order here!!!!!

     Three more routines to help with your back development, the first is the circuit that can have you in and out of the weight room in 20 minutes for that fast morning pump.

 The second workout will make those muscle pop out of your shirt as this muscle building workout leaves you with definition, in a  high rep workout.

 And the third muscle building workout is blended to give you a sure foundation of muscle mass.

Switching it up-

Palm Rotation DB Row---4 sets@ 12,12,10, and 10 reps

Seated Cable Row---4 sets@ 12,12,10, and 10 reps

Wide Grip Pulldown---4 sets@ 12,12,10, and 8 reps

Reverse Grip Pulldown---4 sets@ 12,12,10,and 8 reps

Craving the Muscle-

Bent- Over Row---4 sets@ 12 to 15 reps-watch your form and the angle of your back-love doing rows

Wide Grip Pulldown---3 sets@ 12 to15 reps

One Arm Cable Row---3 sets@ 12 reps

Back Extension---3 sets@ 15 reps-can be done with a machine- or you can lock your feet under your weight machine and use your Swiss ball.

Packing on the Meat-

T-Bar Row---4 sets@ 12,10,8,and 8 reps---if your able to lock one end of your weight bar into a firm position you will be able to do this exercise.

Hammer-Strength Row---4 sets@ 10,10,8, and 8 reps-{ sub with heavy One Arm Row }

Pull Up---3 sets@ 10,8, and 6

Cable Seated Row--3 sets@ 10,8 and 6

Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!

Chest 101 #2


     The second chest routine in this series running through to June, we'll touch on moving more weight in your bench press.

 Then we'll see if your up for the challenge, as we test your balance by using the Swiss Ball. 

The third will be a chest workout involving the Smith Machine, for those of you who have the room for one.

Bench Press 101

Barbell Bench Press---8 sets@ 15,12,10,8,8,6,4, and 2 reps-increase in weight

Flat Bench DB Press---4 sets@ 10,8,8, and 5 reps

Incline Fly---2 sets@ 12 reps

Switching it up-

Swiss-Ball DB Press---4 sets@ 12, 10,8 and 8 reps

Swiss-Ball DB Fly---3 sets@ 10,8, and 8 reps

Incline DB Press---3 sets@ 10,5, and 5 reps

Dips---to failure

Smith it-

Decline Smith Machine---4 sets@ 12, 10, 10,and 8 reps

Flat Bench Smith Machine---4 sets@ 10, 10 ,8,and 8 reps

Incline Smith Press---4 sets@ 10, 10, 8, and 8 reps

Smith Push-Ups-feet-up---2 sets to failure

compound with

Smith Push-Ups-feet down---2 sets to failure

Muscle up order your Protein here!!!!!

Tummy Tuck 101


     For some reason probably my least favor thing is to work the abs.

 Like any other muscle group though they need the workout.

 Abs actually get a good workout just being put of every other workout, but a strong core is a strong core so they get their own routine.

 I've been told, and I'm not to sure if this is true, but if you tend to be thick around the waist never use weights, as it tends to make you even thicker.

  Being thicker around the waist, this tends to scare me away from any weight resistance.

 And your abs no matter how good, in shape or worked they are will never show with a layer of fat hiding them.

 { I know, I should be more concerned with the 50lbs I still need to lose }, Yes you're very funny.

     With the ads we like to talk about upper, lower and obliques, and we will through this series running into June eventually cover all three areas.

Improve your Weight-Loss with skinne' order here!!!!!

Upper Abs-

V-Up---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Decline Crunch---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Ball Crunch---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Lower Abs-

Reverse Crunch on Incline Bench---3sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Hanging Leg Raise---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps-caution don't hang yourself

Hip Thrust---3 sets@ 12 to 15 reps

Muscle up and order your Protein Here!!!!

Thanks to Muscle and Fitness for some of the pictures and Routines

Friday, April 19, 2013

The Delt Machine 101


     No matter how you slice it, big muscular shoulders are hot.

 Put some muscle on them, get a tan and show them off in your favorite tank Delts are a very complicated area of the body and easily prone to injury.

 Once their injured, well you know the rest.

 Delts and back are the 2 easiest areas to injury and caution must be heeded.

  The experts are always weighing in on whether to perform shrugs with back or with delts, I say just do the exercise with either.

 Large traps and big shoulders go hand in hand.

     Divided up into three main areas, rear delts, middle delts and front delts, and sometimes hitting the right area with the right exercise can be a little tricky.

 But with some trial and error, you will soon learn how to feel the right part of any muscle group working at the right time.

 Have fun and be safe. Go easy on the amount of weight you're using until you get a handle on how to do the exercise and how much weight you can control.

 Remember that injuries suck.

Upright Row

Rear Delt Explosion-

Bent Over Lateral Raises---4 sets@ 10 to12 reps-I love these!!!

EZ-Bar Upright Row---3 sets@ 10 to 12 reps-watch your wrists

One Arm Lateral Raise---2 sets@ 10 reps

compound set with-----{ use a lower Pulley cable with a D-handle }

One Arm Front Raise---2 sets@ 10 reps

Bent-Over Lateral Raise

Mid Delt Explosion-

Seated DB Lateral Raise---3 sets@ 15 reps

compound the set with

DB Lateral Raise---3 sets@ 10 reps

Arnold Press---4 sets@ 12,10,8, and 8 reps-like a regular DB press, except at the bottom you start with your palms facing you,twisting your wrist as you press so your palms face forward at the top.

Cable Raise

Front Delt Explosion-

Barbell Front Raise---3 sets@12,10,and 8 reps-watch your weight and your back

Upright Cable Row---3 sets@ 10 t0 12 reps

compound with

DB Lateral Raise---3 sets@ 10 to 12 reps

Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!

Legs 101


     Legs offer a huge opportunity to add some impressive muscle, a calorie devouring machine for optimal weight-loss, and capable of moving some pretty massive weight. 

Continuing in a series of exercises running through to June, you do not want to neglect your legs. 

Come on people, how stupid does it look to be sporting a great upper body and have little stick legs.

     Legs are capable of taking a slickin' and keep on tickin'.

 Work them hard and work them often.

 For the time we will be looking at the quads and powering through the squat.

 Endless variations exist.

Quads for Life

2 Minute Squat--- 5 sets-just what the name says-set a timer and squat for 2 minutes straight

Barbell Step-up---3 sets@10 to 12 reps

Wave Squat---5 sets@ 30 reps-3 regular squats, on the fourth raise up on your toes, on the fifth jump into the air

that's five reps, so repeat 6 times, that's one set

Leg Extensions---3 sets@10 to 12reps

Squat until they Grow-

Leg Extensions---2 sets@15 reps

Barbell Squat---8 sets@15,12,10,8,8,5,5,3 reps

Lunges---4sets@ 12,10, 8, and 8 reps

10 Count Squat---5 sets@ 5 reps-slowly count to 10 going down, and slowly count to 10 coming up-fun


Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!

Triceps 101 #2


     Number 2  for the Triceps, in a series that I plan on running right through to June.

 Plenty of exercises with loads of variety, you should be able to find something that motivates you to move. 

Add muscle, experience weight- loss and improve your body image. Have fun and be safe.

     Triceps make up 3/4 of the mass in the upper arm, so it's important that they're worked hard enough to flush them with blood.

 As with the bicep, triceps are still a small muscle group so don't overdo the workout.


Packing on the Meat-more mass 

Close Grip DB Press---4 sets@ 12,10,8,and 8reps

Skull crusher---3 sets@ 10,8, and 8reps

Seated Overhead DB Extensions---3 sets@ 10reps

-added note-if doing this watch your weight ,spine, shoulder and neck positions

Weighted Dips---2 sets to failure

Switching it up-the technique you need to pound the tri's

Close Grip Bench Press---4 sets@15,10,8,and 8reps

Cable Press downs---3 sets@ 10reps

Dual DB Kickbacks---3 sets@ 10 reps-GO HEAVY!!!





helping you reach your absolutes in an ever changing world

Muscle up and order your hormone free Protein here!!!!!

Biceps 101 #2


    You are responsible for lifting weights{ I'm not your mom}, you should be lifting for a period of time 1 year before attempting this workout,pace yourself. The workout is based on a % of your one maximum lift, it's takes about two hours to run through it, and it stands up to any of today's new cardio workouts. Have fun???

     I promised you routines to help add muscle, experience weight-loss and improve your body image.

 Hopefully every other day through to June I will be posting multiple workouts, so have fun and stay safe. 

Today is number 2 in the bicep series.

 You can do them separately or together for the ultimate pump.

     We all love those softball size bicep and I must say that the look is great, but being a smaller muscle group, work on them sparingly.

 But when you do work on them " kill them ". 

If your giving all you've got,once a week should be fine.

 I've been hearing a lot of noise about don't do preacher curls and don't do this and that, but fine out what works for you and have at it. 

 I will throw in a comment now and again, so from one muscle head to another here we go.


Packing on the Meat-take no prisoners

EZ Bar Preacher Curl---4 sets@ 12,10,8,and 8

3 Grip Barbell Curl---3 sets@ 12-or 4 reps per grip

Seated Dual Hammer Curl---3 sets@ 10,8,and 8

Dumbbell Concentrated Curl---2 sets@12,10




Switching it up-do these moves as a circuit, one right after 

the other-no resting between them

Standing EZ - Bar Curl---4 sets@12,10,8,and 8reps

Seated Alternate DB Curl--- 4 sets@12,10,8, and 8reps

Rope Hammer Cable Curl---4 sets@ 10reps

Reverse EZ-Bar Curl---4 sets@8reps

Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!

helping you reach your absolutes in an ever 
changing world

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Chest 101


         We know that most people really enjoy chest day. 

Even though the chest is one big muscle group we tend to divide it into 3 separate area, upper , middle and lower.

 There are a multitude of exercises to do for each area you wish to build.

 My personal preference is to build hard on the upper portion of the chest, because I think it shows better, and at the age of 53 just 8 days away, I'm well aware of the growing problem of gravity on the body.

 Have fun and be safe, you are responsible for the lifting you do. 

It's usually best to have a training partner, but I know this is not always possible. 

Here are a couple of routines and more will be on the way.


Pumping the Upper Chest

 Incline Barbell Press--4sets@ 12,10,8,and 8 reps

Incline cable Flyes--3 sets@ 10, 10 and 8 reps

Seated Chest Press-3 sets@ 10+

Feet Elevated Push-up- 2sets@ 15+
Push-Up lifts for Better Motion



Upsetting the Normal-

Swiss-Ball Dumbbell Press--4 sets@ 12, 10,8, and 8 reps

Swiss-Ball Dumbbell Flyes--3 sets@ 12, 10, and8 reps

Incline Dumbbell Press--3 sets@ 10, 8 and 8 reps
Swiss Ball

Dips-- 2sets to failure


Again more routines to come in the days ahead-helping you reach your absolutes in an ever changing