Saturday, April 20, 2013

Tricep 101 #3


Muscle up order here!!!!!

     The first routine will put muscle on and give you the strength to use it when you need it.

 Don't be shy to throw a lot of weight on the bar or dumbbells and power through.

 Making up the largest part of the upper arm we really need to hit the triceps hard every time out.

 You can't define your triceps if you don't have them? 

Once you have the mass the second routine comes into play. 

You have the mass now you need cuts, definition,and striations to show through and give you that horseshoe look.

 High definition will etch out that look for you.Be safe and have fun.

Greater Strength-

Close=-Grip Press---5 sets@ 12,10,8,8, and 6 reps-use the dumbbells for truly heavy weight

Incline Skullcrusher---3 sets@ 10,8, and 6 reps-watch your skull

Overhead Rope Extensions-3 sets@ 10,8, and 8 reps- much easier on the shoulder joints with the rope on a machine

Dips---2 sets-to failure-weighted dips if possible


Defining the Muscle-

1/2 Rep Close Grip Press---4 sets@ 25 to 30 reps-only doing the bottom half-DB's work fine

V-Bar Pushdown---3 sets@ 20,15, and 15 reps-equipment

Reverse Grip Pushdown---3 sets@ 20,15, and 15 reps

Cable Extensions---3 sets@ 15 reps

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