Friday, April 5, 2013

Women VS Weight Training # 2


Meeting your Protein needs


    Just a note to the women bodybuilders, we know that some men, " ok maybe it's just me", are hung up on body-image, but if you want to see a gender really hung-up on body-image it has to be women, { am I right ladies am I right }.

     As I've mentioned before and it's pretty obvious by now that if you start lifting weights you will not turn into a behemoth, you don't possess the testosterone in a large enough amount to get that big-if you see very muscular women at a bodybuilding contest they've taken "roids", to get that way.

     But, to each their own, I'm more interested in you fighting your natural instincts to compare yourself to other women around you or the one's you view in magazines.

 You know the pictures where they have perfect hair, perfect make-up, and the pictures are air brushed, so that you could never match up to them- and that's done on purpose by the way.

     You were made perfect in his image, whether you feel it or not. You need to take time in your busy day to meditate on the fact that you are valuable,  and that strong women make strong families, that you are capable of achieving the thing you personally set out to do.

 Yes, we exercise for a number of reasons, but we need to have joy in our good health. If you want to be a size 2 then go for it, but if you're healthy and happy at a 10 then maintain that size and stop comparing yourself to a body-image you may never achieve.

FIND YOUR SELF-WORTH, and yes you have self-worth you are valuable.

     I'm going to step out of my comfort zone or my area of expertise a bit, but we need to bring a sense or reality of self-RESPECT back to women.

 For far to long now Hollywood-tv-media in general has been having far to much power over your decisions. 

They're constantly telling you things at aren't good for your health, and all we have to do is look at the new sexual disease that women are suffering from to realize that "media" doesn't have a
glue. The best word you can say is no. Take back your freedom and take back your RESPECT, you are valuable.-

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