Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bodybuilding with Automaticbody

Bodybuilding With Automaticbody


     You've decided to focus on getting into better shape, but with hesitation in your voice you're not sure where to start of how to go about it.

 No need to panic, we all have to start somewhere.

 To make this blog a lot more fun, whenever you see a word highlighted and in italic it will be linked to a beginners workout.

 So let the fun begin.

These workouts can be done at home or in the gym.

If you're in the gym let's go over some

 politeness rules-

.....after using a piece of equipment wipe it down.....if your gym doesn't provide paper towels then bring a towel

.....all dumbbells and barbells that you rack them

.....sharing it nice....if you're resting for any extended period of time don't sit on a machine someone is waiting for

.....I'm not against phones in the gym simply because I use one to listen to music...but really to sit on a piece of equipment and send endless texts....I mean really, who's so important...are you there to lift or to text

Let's check out some 

common mistakes

.....don't go through your repetitions to quickly, unless you're trying some new cardio or crossfit routine....less tissue damage it caused with the weights being moved in a controlled fashion....of course some tissue damage will occur this is to be expected but the muscle group you're incorporating should be under tension at all time.....with a good squeeze at the top of the rep

.....starting out with too much weight is a issue....if you're swinging the weight you've got a greater potential for injury....injuries will occasionally occur with weights anyway why increase the likelihood of that happening.....your joints might not be able to take the pressure of the added weight....being a little sore the next day is acceptable...but hurt your joints and you may never recover

.....starting out with light weights is the way to go....but if you can do 30 to 40 reps consider that the warm-up and slowly increase the weight.....PS always do a warm-up between sets for about 60 to 90 seconds.....too much rest or too little can zap your workout

Some Things to Remember-

     The workouts I've linked to are for beginners and if you are in a gym use the machines as much as possible. Again I'm mainly concerned with the health of your joints. 

They're not use to the added workload and can be easily injured.

.....workout 2 to 3 times a're not in a race
.....take a day between workouts
.....increase your reps if you need to shed that spare tire 60 to 90 seconds between set...60 seconds between reps.

For Hormone free Protein-Bodybydoug

I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.
Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me

Let's Talk.

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