Sunday, April 19, 2015

Network Marketing Training

Both Barrels Loaded

Off the Top of My Head-Tipping the Scales in Your Favor


     Network Marketing is a tough concept for some to get their head around. Although the industrial revolution was a needed advancement in the 1800's we are still living with the same mind set. 

The Information age is upon us and yet with some billion faces on Facebook we refuse to move forward with the not so new technology. 

We stubbornly cling to the old for job security.

 With the exception of a few industries job security hasn't been secure for decades now, yet we cling. 

     Network Marketing offers a different approach with wealth to be had for those brave enough to move forward. 

Rejection and tough days will be there to greet you, but like any entrepreneurial adventure the strong, innovative and resourceful will reap the benefits. 

Training is abundant, just do your resource before you follow someone and your road to success can be made that much easier.

Some thoughts and notes from Robert Kiyosaki-

"Returns are minimal in spite of massive effort at the beginning, yet returns can be massive with minimal effort over time".

"I want to be rich, but are you willing to do what it takes"

Those top earners in Network Marketing no longer have to work as hard as they did in the earlier years.

"The size of your success is measured by the strength of your desire, the size of your dreams and how you handle disappointment along the way".

"If you avoid failure you also avoid success".

"The idea of going to school and then getting a job is one of the most destructive forces in your brain".

Network Marketing isn't just about leaving your job. If you love it, keep it and earn additional income. If you hate your job, well here's a way out.

"The rich are those who play to win. The middle class are those who play not to lose".

"If you want to go somewhere, it's best to find someone who has already been there".

In Network Marketing find someone who has been successful and duplicate them. You jump into Network Marketing and yet you are still taking advice from the broke family member....big mistake.

"When I started my last business, I didn't receive a paycheck for 13 months. The average person can't handle that pressure".

"You can't take care of charity unless you take care of yourself first".

"Everything the working class has been told to do, the rich do not do".

That last one is a powerful statement. With Network Marketing some of the things that frighten us have been taken out of the equation. You can start part time and still keep the full time job. As an added note making money isn't one of the deadly 7 sins and it's not greedy either.

"As long as you blame someone or something else-something outside you that's bigger than you are-as the source of your problems, the problem will not get solved".

"People cling to job security, savings, retirement plans and other relics will be the ones financially ravaged from 2010 to 2020, the most volatile world changing decade in history.

At the age of 42 I lost everything and had to start over. Even with massive amount of money going into a retirement fund, i realized that I might have to work to the day I dropped in order to survive. Not a pleasant scenario. 

As a truck driver I recently lose my "FAST" status to enter the US and I may end up losing my job. See so much for job security.

Take the time and start that second income today. If you don't a year from now you could regret it.



Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me
Let's Talk.

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