Monday, April 13, 2015

Bodybuilding-Training Your Body Type

Bringing Forth Your Best Body-Image

Can you Manipulate Genetics?


Bodybuilding workouts for mass, bodybuilding workouts for cardio, bodybuilding workouts for strength, bodybuilding workouts for weight-loss, bodybuilding workouts for definition, bodybuilding workouts for cutting and getting shredded, bodybuilding workouts for the over 40!!!

     For years we have been place in one of three categories.

 Its the science of somatotypes, you are either an ectomorph, mesomorph or a endomorph. 

The first characteristic of these three groupings is that you are either big boned or small boned. 

This isn't true as bone density varies very little.

 Gone are the days when an overweight individual could blame their weight on bone structure.

 The good news for some is that you are no longer a prisoner to one group.

 From bodybuilding to the fitness model to the cross fit individual you can break free.

 The bad new being for some of us we need to work hard and keep working hard to break out of the mold. I'm one of those on.

Ectomorph- Characterized as thin with a shorter upper body, longer arms and legs, narrow hands and feet, storing little body fat. Having a high metabolism, little muscle mass and having a hard time gaining weight. {gee that's tough}

     Unless you hate carbs, you can pack on muscle aka. weight-gain. A diet high in carbs should do the trick. Keep cardio to a minimum,{your cardio will be weight training}, using compound movements, {builds muscle mass quicker}, and lifting heavy.

Mesomorph- Characterized by strength, a low waist, longer torso, a large chest and solid muscular structure. The most desired Body-Image of the three groups.

 They can consume a high amount of calories, but must remain active or the spare tire will appear.  high protein diet serves this group well and keeps them lean.

 If excess weight starts showing up in the wrong areas, reduce carbs. When working out compound movements with isolation movements to shape the appearance of the muscle. Moderate cardio should be fine.

Endomorph- WELCOME TO MY WORLD. Characterized by FAT storage, shorter neck, wide hips, and a soft muscular frame. With a slower metabolism, or in my case no metabolism.

 It's been my experience that anything we eat immediately turns to fat.If you're not on a weight control program all the time....well expect to see the numbers on the scale go up.

 If you're in this group you know the drill, less carbs to sometimes no "Weight-Loss,the Ketogenic Diet and You".

 I know what the experts say about this group, but if you're over 40 look out. When working out do cardio and then when bodybuilding lift with compound movements and shorter rest periods.

 In other words continue cardio, but with weights. You can do lower reps for muscle mass, but include plenty of sets with reps 15 to 20. 

This groups should know better than any other group that you can't out exercise a poor diet.

Best of luck-tiger

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I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact meLet's Talk.

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