Sunday, April 12, 2015

Marketing-Weight-Loss-How Not to Gain Weight at Work.

Sparing the Spare Tire-




     We're sitting too much.

 Whether you're in the office setting or sitting around marketing online, sitting will eventually lead to problems.

 Even those of us who exercise on a regular basis are still at risk. 

Studies,{if you believe them}, say that even those who exercise but sit too long during the day, share the same risk factors.

 Sitting for prolonged periods of time leads to health problems with a higher risk of obesity and cardiovascular problems.  

It seems that sitting too much has a tendency to clot the blood in the legs.

 Never a good thing. 

Those who drive long hours are including in this scenario. In order to keep the weight down and help the heart......follow these tips.

.....If possible stand for so part of the day at your work station. Imparted health leads to imparted work.

.....A no brainer.

 Avoid the vending machines or anywhere that sugar induced, calorie rich snacks live.

 No amount of exercise can overcome a poor diet.

.....Walking to a restaurant seems like a good idea, but you cannot control how your food is prepared. Bring a lunch.

.....Get up and move every 60 to 90 minutes. Stretch, walk around the office or your home or find some stairs.

.....Take care in what you're drinking. 

Those of us who consume a large amount of calories from what we drink....will end up overweight.

.....Take the opportunity to walk more. 

Park farther from the office, at the far end of a truck stop, a mall. 

Walk to the end of the street and back. 

Take the stairs, { but a cautionary tale to the women, when taking the stairs make sure your building is secure or take a friend}.

.....Send less text an emails within the office setting. Get up and take the opportunity to walk around and  talk to coworkers.

I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.

Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me
Let's Talk.

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