Sunday, April 12, 2015

Marketing-Making Your Day More Productive

A More Productive Day

Increasing Your Income through Routine


     These days it doesn't seem to matter what job you're doing.

 One day runs into the next whether you're online marketing, working long hours at the office, driving a semi, working three jobs because no one will hire over 29 hours anymore. 

The same rings true and in most cases has always rang true for the entrepreneur. 

Some of the following tips might not work for the individual with the irregular hours of work, but for those with the entrepreneurial spirit and the online marketing dream, these tips should help with your daily routine.

.....get up early. Quiet time is not bad or wasted time.

 It can set the tone for the rest of the day.

 Whether pray time, reading time, affirmation time, its up to you, but it's your "me" time and enjoy the journey into the new day.

.....what did you do before the iphone? 

You got into the habit of grabbing the phone and checking messages and emails first thing in the morning and you can break that habit.

 Checking the phone first thing will put you in a reactionary mode, allowing others to dictate your priorities and destroy your "me" time. 

The day will still happen, relax.

.....make exercise a priority.

 I prefer to workout in the evening time, but with that being said morning is a great time to head to the gym. 

Get on an exercise bike for 20 minutes and then check your messages and emails.

 Fire up your day with motivational recordings or music and get ready for a productive day. grateful. Gratitude puts things into perspective.

 Say three or four positive things first thing in the morning. 

There are many people in the world that have it far worse than you.


 Nourish the body properly and it will perform for you.

 Without your health, you have nothing. 

It's a cleshay, but like most cleshay's, they are a cleshay because they're true.

.....say your goals out loud.

 "Faith come by hearing and hearing by the Word of God".

 It may be biblical, but there's a physiological principle here. 

Hearing your goals aloud places them in your spirit allowing you to bring them to fruition.

 Corny, but it works.

     Making time for yourself in the morning will sharpen your marketing skills and lead you into a more productive day.


I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.

Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me
Let's Talk.

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