You are responsible for lifting weights{ I'm not your mom}, you should be lifting for a period of time 1 year before attempting this workout,pace yourself. The workout is based on a % of your one maximum lift, it's takes about two hours to run through it, and it stands up to any of today's new cardio workouts. Have fun???
I promised you routines to help add muscle, experience weight-loss and improve your body image.
Hopefully every other day through to June I will be posting multiple workouts, so have fun and stay safe.
Today is number 2 in the bicep series.
You can do them separately or together for the ultimate pump.
We all love those softball size bicep and I must say that the look is great, but being a smaller muscle group, work on them sparingly.
But when you do work on them " kill them ".
If your giving all you've got,once a week should be fine.
I've been hearing a lot of noise about don't do preacher curls and don't do this and that, but fine out what works for you and have at it.
I will throw in a comment now and again, so from one muscle head to another here we go.
Packing on the Meat-take no prisoners
EZ Bar Preacher Curl---4 sets@ 12,10,8,and 8
3 Grip Barbell Curl---3 sets@ 12-or 4 reps per grip
Seated Dual Hammer Curl---3 sets@ 10,8,and 8
Dumbbell Concentrated Curl---2 sets@12,10

Switching it up-do these moves as a circuit, one right after
the other-no resting between them
Standing EZ - Bar Curl---4 sets@12,10,8,and 8reps
Seated Alternate DB Curl--- 4 sets@12,10,8, and 8reps
Rope Hammer Cable Curl---4 sets@ 10reps
Reverse EZ-Bar Curl---4 sets@8reps
Muscle up and order your Protein here!!!!!
helping you reach your absolutes in an ever
changing world
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