Mentioned in a previous blog titled "Fueling the Bodybuilder # 2", I talked about elaborating on the confusing world of protein intake and the misconceptions or misinformation
that surrounds the subject.
Over using protein have several negative side effect and they are no trivial matter.
First is unused protein equals unused calories equal weight gain, second and a more serious problem is that over consummation of protein places undo stress on the kidney's to filter that much protein and can lead to problems including kidney failure and toxicity, {we are not lifting weights to end up hooked up to a machine}.
I know of a man 31 who, at a recent doctors appointment, found out that not only where his kidney's in trouble but his cholesterol was through the roof because of the type of protein he was taking--read the labels?

Protein intake should range between 0.5 to 0.85 grams of your ideal weight, a 170 man at the high range of the scale needs no more than 140 grams of protein a day.
If you're 240 lbs. and you need to get down to 170 lbs. than you still require at the most 140 grams of protein a day.
Previous suggestions from some indicate 1.0 to 1.5 grams of present body weight for protein intake, way too much.
Wrong information is still misinformation , and I hope we have cleared this up, it's better to be cautious than sick.

Second topic we need to cover is weight-loss, and some of you are going to start yelling at me immediately.
We need to discuss a new approach to stubborn fat that just is not coming off like it should.
I do not believe that this is a fad diet, but a word of CAUTION this is more of a mind game than anything else. The method involves eating normally one day and then fasting for the next day,{ roughly 18 to 24 hours and no more}, or two days on one day fasting.
Contrary to what some would say, {a}--the period of fasting is not long enough to throw your metabolism into chaos, your blood pressure is not going to exploded, and you can workout, thousands of people get up in the morning and do cardio on an empty stomach for optimal fat loss.
The reason I called it a mind game is because your body, aka," the flesh" is going to scream blood murder at you to eat something.
You have to be prepared for this, going without food say from 8am to 9pm to than eating everything in site is not the weight-loss method, if you are going to fail at this or you are just not strong enough to make it work DO NOT DO THIS!!!
You would have to go from 8am to around 8am the next day, {depending on your work schedule}, and then you would have to start on your reduced calorie weight-loss program again, example your 300 to 400 calorie breakfast.
And on the days you are fasting like any other day drink water, lots of water.
If you want to wait and see how it works, you know I'm the Guinea pig so from April 6th to the end of the month I'm trying this out, and I'll give you the update.PS Not only have I researched this but I've seen several compelling articles about this, we will see what happens.-
helping you reach your absolutes in an ever changing world-love ya
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