Automaticbody-does a body good-
Automaticbody is great for your weight-loss needs, but we all need some solid food once and a while so here are 7 that you might want to give a try.
Remember that proper dietary choices help us to maintain a proper body weight-SNACK ON!!!
1. Oranges - Loaded with Vitamin "C" oranges along with kiwi, strawberries, peppers, cantaloupe, and tomatoes are great for controlling cortistol levels under stressful situations.
2. Turkey - Turkey contains an amino acid called L-tryptophan, which also triggers serotonin release and a relaxed state. Low fat and high protein, a winning combination.
3. Salmon - Salmon and other cold water fatty fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which have been shown to have a stress relieving effect.
4. Avocados - With potassium levels higher than bananas, avocados help in controlling high blood pressure.
5. Broccoli - Broccoli loaded with folic acid, a vitamin which has been proven to reduce stress, depression and anxiety.
6. Almonds - Loaded with B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium, and zinc, all of which are involved in the production of serotonin. The zinc and magnesium combination in particular has been shown to improve sleep, including falling asleep quicker and waking more alert.
7. Blueberries - Packed with antioxidants that reduce oxidative stress within the body. Oxidation leads to free radical production. Too many free radicals and we see early signs of aging plus cancer and other devastating diseases.
Of course there are hundreds of different foods you can add to this list, basically any fruit or vegetable.
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