Men, women and children stay away from the cereal aisle.
There are a few, very few cereal's that are good for you. Ezekiel 4:9 is a good cereal, but it's made from sprouted grains and not the genetically modified over processed grain.
Most of our cereal's boost heart healthy, with added vitamins and antioxidant's.
The hidden facts are the 10 added sugars plus modified corn syrup and starch's, plus added gluten and the overly modified soybean oil.
Then there's the wheat itself with inflammatory properties,and { listen up men}, whole grains contain phytic acid which combines with iron, calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc to block their absorption.
Eating wheat products BREAD, can be attributed to deficiencies in minerals such as zinc, which is important to the production of testosterone in men.
Again men, low testosterone can lead to a lack luster performance in the bedroom, among all the other problems associated with low testosterone.
There's more good new too, with chemicals found in wheat that interfere with the digestive process.

Automaticbody's protein offer a great alternative to the morning cereal rush.
It's chocolate in a "take anywhere can ",quick , convenient and taste better than any cereal's on the market , and automaticbody's protein full's you up not out, giving you the nutrition and energy to get through your busy day. ---
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