You are responsible for lifting weights{ I'm not your mom}, you should be lifting for a period of time 1 year before attempting this workout,pace yourself. The workout is based on a % of your one maximum lift, it's takes about two hours to run through it, and it stands up to any of today's new cardio workouts. Have fun???

This is a multi-angled chest workout to exhaust you-a partner is recommended
First day-
Incline Dumbbell Press-
steep incline @ 60 to 70% doing 6reps at heavy weight / rest/ then-Incline Dumbbell Press-@ a 45% angle doing 6 reps / rest /then-Incline Dumbbell Press-@ a incline of 25% for 6 reps / rest / then- Flat Bench for 6 reps / rest for 2 minutes / then repeat the process 3 more times, and that is day one.
now not the next day but the next time you do chest---much,much lighter weight-and depending on whether you workout at home or a gym you can alter these exercises
Second day-Standing Cable Crossover/or Close grip Incline Bench Press-
3 sets@25 reps/ / then- Machine Fly or Pec Deck or Decline Push-up- 3sets@25reps/ / Decline Dumbbell Fly-3 sets@ 25reps/ / Flat Bench 3 sets@25reps.
Not to be used all the time-several times a year and watch the chest muscle explode-
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