Boy, the wheat board is going to be mad at me, but you know unhealthy is unhealthy.
The wheat of today is not the healthy wheat of years gone by, and this is why we need to educate ourselves to this problem.
Even small changes
in wheat protein structure can spell a devastating difference in immune response to no response at all.
With the hybridization of wheat new gluten's are coming out which our bodies have no defense against, "exorphins' have an effect on the brain like a mild opiate drug.
Making wheat products mildly additive.
Wheat makes you consume more calories, and in fact you consume about 14% more calories than someone on a gluten free diet, { of course now you have to laugh because gluten is everywhere, and the food manufacturers know how additive gluten is}, can't blame them if we produced the food we would probably do the same thing. This is where the men need to listen up, excess weight and lack of exercise all lead to low testosterone.
Oops, bet you don't know that wheat raises blood sugar even more than table sugar, containing"amylopectin A", this carb is unique in that it is digested rapidly and affects blood sugar levels{ this is why some bodybuilders would consume two slices of bread after a workout to get glucose to the muscle as soon as possible, there are better ways}.
Two slices of bread are little different than a can of pop,and wheat has a habit of sticking to the stomach lining.

Excessive wheat consumption leads to visceral fat in the abdomen- men again being too fat equals low testosterone equal no extension in the pants.
This one should be a concern to both men and women, wheat consumption leads to accelerated aging.
The next one involves everybody, that wheat causing acne problems, if you don't want to believe me than stay "zitty".
I saved the best for last , wheat is associated with joint degeneration including arthritis.

With baby boomers living longer you need to do whatever it takes to safe-guard your health. Be pro-active and live healthy.--helping you reach your absolutes in an ever changing world.
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