Triceps make up 75% of your arm mass, so if your looking to add masses of muscle to the arm this is the place to start.
Tricep workouts happen to be one of my favorite routines, because once you've been training them for awhile they easily flood with blood for that ego encouraging boost to get you into the workout room and stay there until the job is done.
For anyone especially the mature lifter it is a must to warm up the elbow joint to prevent injury and keep your progression moving in the right direction.
Personally I find warm-ups to be boring but it is essential, injuries are never welcomed.
Tricep workouts happen to be one of my favorite routines, because once you've been training them for awhile they easily flood with blood for that ego encouraging boost to get you into the workout room and stay there until the job is done.
For anyone especially the mature lifter it is a must to warm up the elbow joint to prevent injury and keep your progression moving in the right direction.
Personally I find warm-ups to be boring but it is essential, injuries are never welcomed.
1-The warm-up is Push downs- doing 2 to 3 sets of 30+ reps, so the weight will have to be light.

2-Regular Push downs- increase the weight and watch your form.
I've seen these done wrong far too many times.
Keep the elbows close to the body, you don't necessarily need to take the weight stack right to the top of the machine, but you must make sure that the tricep it getting the full brunt of the work.
Don't stand to far back and start throwing your body into it, you end up using to much of your back muscles.
You should not be swaying like a rocking chair.
My preferred way of doing these is to increase weight and decrease reps.
12 reps@ 80lbs--9 reps@ 100lbs--7 reps@115lbs--5 reps@125lbs--5reps@ 135lbs.--but use a weight that allows you to preform strict form.
3-I usually super set these with dips-in other words 1 set of Push downs and 1 set of dips-dip off a bench or chair are fine and you can use a variety of methods-feet closer to your abs will make it easier--or legs out straight in front of you-or holding one leg in the air-or putting your feet on another bench or chair-or by adding weight to your lap, and it's hard to do if you don't have a partner.
Make sure that your torso is not to far out from the bench as this will place to much of a stress on the shoulder joints
8 to 20 reps@ as many sets as you can do
4.-Close Grip Benching-This will pump some blood into the triceps-You can use a bar but that does place a lot of unnecessary stress on the wrists.
Your best to use dumbbells, laying flat or slightly inclined on the bench keeping the elbow in and thrusting upwards, you should be able to feel the triceps working, and then you know your doing it right.
12 reps@35lbs--9reps@50lbs--7reps@70lbs--5reps@90lbs--5reps@90lbs--this is an example you use a weight that's right for you.
5- Skull Crusher-It has this name for a reason be careful. Your elbows should be warmed up by now.
You can use an easy curl bar or dumbbells, and its the same with the bench flat or slightly on an incline-I don't recommend placing the bar behind the head , again because of the risk to the shoulder joints.
12reps-9reps--7reps--5reps--5reps-with a weight that's right for you.
For variations on this you can do 21's, { that's the top half of the rep 7 times, the bottom of the rep 7 times and then the full rep 7 time }, on the Push downs and on the Close Grip Benching-
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