Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Battle of the Bulge # 20




     For months now I've been telling you to mix up the cardio to keep it from getting boring, so let's look at a few things. 

Well first, it's boring.

  I mean, who actually enjoys sitting on an exercise bike or running on a treadmill for 45 minutes?  Not many people.

      But much more important than that, it fails to produce fat loss results unless your doing the right kind of cardio workout. 

 Are there health benefits to riding on an exercise bike, yes. Are there benefits to walking or running on a treadmill, yes, for safety reasons and acclimate weather. 

 But you can get those same health benefits (and more) with much shorter, much more exciting, and invigorating workouts.

     But first, here's what research has to say about cardio In this 3 month study, women did 45 minutes of cardio a day, 5 days a week, and lost no more weight than those who dieted alone! 

 Seems like a royal waste of time to me! In the next  study, subjects did 50 minutes of cardio, 5 days a week, and once again lost no more weight than those who dieted alone! 

Well, maybe if they increase it to a full hour of cardio a day, 6 days a week, then cardio will actual product substantial results?  No again!

     Over the course of this one year study, subjects performed aerobic exercise for 60 minutes a day, 6 whopping days a week, and lost only 3.5 pounds on average in an entire year, 3.5 pounds of fat loss after an hour of exercise, nearly every day, for a year.  

That makes regular cardio or the cardio we've come to rely upon as the waste of our time possible.

     There is a better alternative and that alternative is in short burst of resistance training. Studies have found similar results with interval style workouts as short as 4 minutes producing dramatically more fat loss than long, extended bouts of cardio. 

An example body weight, short-burst exercise routine that you can try today to boost your metabolism and your fat loss results:

Boost your Protein, click HERE

30 seconds of body weight squats

30 seconds of push ups

30 seconds jumping jacks

 Repeat 4 times.

     That workout right there only takes 6 minutes and you'll burn way more fat than you will with those long, drawn out, boring cardio sessions.

 Well maybe 10 minutes so you can stop and breathe. 

No workout will ever help you lose fat unless you get your nutrition in order.

  Unfortunately, nutrition is an area where most people really struggle, and sticking to a "diet" long term can be near impossible.

 This is the exact reason that we have automaticbody, it's not a diet, but a weight-loss system, and after you lose { FOR GOOD } the weight you need to lose it's easy to turn automaticbody into a maintenance program for life. 

A maintenance program is better by far then going back to yo yo dieting and all of it's many pitfalls. Atomaticbody allows you to lose the weight and gain the muscle, { BE THE BODYBUILDER }, at the same time. 

Hormone free Protein, click HERE!!!


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