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You know I like to jump into every once in a while and the subject of steroids is no different.
I'm not actually against the use of "roids" so lets just look at some facts.If you use "roids" or are about to we all know some basics-heighten aggression,acne, shrinking of the testicles.
I remember a guy that was totally obsessed with his body-image to the point I believe of insanity, he was using some type of testosterone, injecting twice a day.
His wife couldn't put up with it anymore because the" side effect ", was they were having sex 4 times a day and he wanted more and she wanted much less.
If you're injecting "roids" there always the possibility that you can hit a nerve causing intense prolonged pain or even paralyzes, and if you're taking them orally the liver has to filter them twice before they're broken down enough to be used by the body.
Either way the internal damage to your body "aka" the liver can cause permanent damage.
This is why you cycle "roids", you use for example 8 weeks and then you go on a cleaner to detoxify your liver.
I did take oral "roids" for a while only to learn later on that they were not true steroids, { if I believe the young punk where I use to buy my protein }, and I'm still not sure I do believe
him. I've also taken a number of pro-hormones, which some say are not steroids, and yet others say that's just a fancy word for steroids, WHO CAN YOU BELIEVE, and it's even more confusing because with the pro-hormones you need to cycle them just like "real roids".
Like I've said before, with supplements you need to read the labels and do your research. Don't just believe everything the guy at your local supplement store is saying, he may have been hired three weeks ago.
The media throws the word 'steroids' around somewhat incorrectly.
In most media stories the more correct term would be 'performance enhancing drug' or even 'physique enhancing drug'. Let's look at some science-
The basic scientific definition of the word steroid is as follows:"Any of a large group of fat-soluble organic compounds having as a basis 17 carbon atoms arranged in four rings"This broad definition can include testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, bile acids, sterols from plants, and simply cholesterol itself.
Obviously when we talk about bodybuilding, sports and building muscle we're not talking about 'steroids' in such a broad definition, but instead what is usually being referred to as 'anabolic steroids' specifically.
Adding the word 'anabolic' changes the definition of what we're typically thinking when we hear the word 'steroid' used in popular media.
Anabolic steroid drugs can be synthetic derivatives of testosterone or simply testosterone itself. Many anabolic steroid drugs are simply testosterone bound to a carrying molecule such as testosterone enanthate (which is now very commonly prescribed for testosterone replacement therapy).
The different carrier molecules are typically fatty acids that give the testosterone a time released pattern. Depending on what molecule it is bound to it can
Testosterone suspended in water is the fastest as it is absorbed within hours.
Other types of anabolic drugs are synthetic derivatives of testosterone that do not occur in nature but closely resemble testosterone.
A notoriously popular drug in this category was Winstrol V .
There are dozens of other kinds that fall into this category of synthetic testosterone derivatives. Most of these drugs can be tested for based on how they affect measurable testosterone in the blood.Other forms are based on different forms of testosterone such as DHT (dihydrotestosterone).
So far we're just discussing testosterone and it's derivatives.
Even though these are all based on testosterone in one form or another each one has it's own characteristic effect on the body and they're all slightly different.
There are many other physique and performance enhancing drugs on the market like, Insulin Growth Factors, Growth Hormones, Glenbuterol, Anti-Estrogens, Diuretics, and the list goes on and on.
The point is to make you aware that many athletes, celebrities, and virtually all pro bodybuilders are using some combination or selection of drugs in the list above.
Given that you can never know what a person is taking, or has taken you should never compare yourself to any magazine model, celebrity or
Instead, compare yourself to yourself and strive to make improvements to your body.
Be patient and choose your supplements carefully.
Try to enjoy the journey, as you meditate on where you're going.
I understand the allure of the quick fix, to pack on 20 to 30 lbs or even more lean muscle in 12 to 18 months, but with everything and I mean everything that we do there is a consequence to our actions.
Like the line in the Rush song-" even if you choose not to decide you still have made a choice".
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