That is some set of man boobs, but we all don't have the genetics for that, or we don't have the time or the age advantage.
Whatever your age or your time restrictions though we can all improve muscle growth and body-image by getting into the weight room and pumping the tar out of the chest.
I think I've mentioned this before and if not a lot of people have--but chest day is for most lifters the best day of the week.
For the last in this series we're going to up the reps for some definition, and we're going to look at one of my favorite things to do and that's the pre-exhaust.
Spoken of mainly for the chest I like to look and see if there's anywhere else I can incorporate the pre-exhaust into some other body part.
The purpose of the pre-exhaust it two fold--1-to exhaust the muscle and then push it beyond what you think your capable of and the second is to try to exhaust a smaller muscle group helping in the particular lift you are doing so only the chest muscles on the second set is doing the work.
Give it a shot and see what happens.
The pre-haust is not an every workout move, so use it sparingly and be safe and have fun.
Defining the Muscle-
Multi-Angle DB Press--- 3 sets@ 18 reps-move the angle of the bench ever 6 reps
Multi-Angle Bar Press---3 sets@ 18 reps-move the angle of the bench ever 6 reps
Incline Fly---4 sets@ 12 reps
DB Pullover---2 sets@ 12 reps
Push-Ups---2 sets@ 15 to 30 reps
Incline Fly---3 sets@ 15, 12, and 8 reps
Incline Barbell Press---3 sets@ 8, 12, and 15 reps- reversing the reps means heavy weight first
Machine Fly---3 sets@ 12 reps
superset with
Seated Chest Press---3 sets@ 8, 10, and 12 reps
Push-Ups---3 sets---15 to 30 reps