Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Anti-aging of Today

The Anti-Aging of Today


You've probably heard this before that the skin is the largest organ of the body and we all want skin that glows and just gives off that healthy youthful look.
There are benefits to healthy glowing skin, and this is evident in the number of products that are on the market. Skin alone however is not a great bromator of the health of the individual and if this factor is ignored, then that skin is not going to be glowing for long.
Four skin types oily, dry, normal and sensitive have given rise to a multitude of skin care products, but like a sickness we treat the symptoms but we never really get to the cause.
Internal health is more relevant to that glowing skin then all the facials combined. This is why I recommend mangosteen botanical.
If you've seen the Bodybydoug subheading you are probably thinking what does a man know about skincare.
Well let me tell you that for most of my life I have had problems with my skin or at least the appearance of it. This has lead me to become a Metro sexual and over time and endless struggles with my skin, I've learned a thing or two.
I've used everything that someone can use retinal, pro active and every other cream, lotion or potion on the market. Th Anti-aging begins with the internal.

Basic Rules-

.....sleep.....always try to sleep on your back for best result and I know this isn't always possible. During sleep is when all the bodies repairing systems kick into high gear. We love our creams and lotions, but sleep as unimpressive as that might sound, is still the best remedy for the skin. And it's free.
.....a well balanced diet. I know not every earth shattering, but here's a tip that works on the inside and out. Any kind of root vegetable, {turnip, carrot, beets, potatoes}, plus mushrooms give an appearance to the skin of fullest. Reducing the look of fine lines and wrinkles.
.....exercise. Increasing the blood circulation through your system brings nutrients and eliminates toxins as waste.
.....avoid the internal and external forces of oxidation. When oxygen is metabolised it creates free radicals, some are good but too many start to cause problems and lead to the wrinkling of the skin. Avoid the obvious cigarettes, alcohol, too much sunlight and pollution.
 Do yourself a favor and start with the inside and work outwards.
 XALO's Ageless

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I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.

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