Thursday, April 9, 2015

Tips to Getting the Sign-Up

Tips to Getting the Sign-Up


Let's just start by being real. When it comes to Network Marketing online or offline the phone is a necessity.

 Get over your fear of the phone and for all you phone haters out there, if the phone is the number 1 enemy then move on there are other ways to make money. Mastering your skills over the phone conversation is more valuable than learning lead generation or driving traffic. 

If you can't close the deal with conversions, then what are you left with?

 Answer- multiple phone conversations with strangers and that adds up to a negative bank account.

1)- A quick no is better than a long drawn out no.

 Get to the point you're busy, the person on the other end of the phone is busy.  Most people will realize a fake 20 minute pitch.

2)-Ask questions and ask the questions that will help lead you to an understanding of what they are looking for.

 You should not be the one dancing around questions, they should. If for some reason you have to dance, make sure you take the lead.

3)-If you've made an appointment and they fail to meet it, don't belittle them in a message.

 Kindness, manners and a professional attitude  works wonders, and in my particular MLM I have a back end offer. If I can't recruit them I would still like them as a customer.

4)-Going along with number three, if you are leaving a voicemail never include your pitch, never

. I use the three strikes you're out method.

 On the third message I simply state that I'm taking them off the list, {you would be surprised by how many people hate the thought of being taken off a list and return the call}.

 Still always be professional, after the third call if in two days I haven't heard from them I send an email with the back end offer.

 Hopefully they try the product and decide in time it's something they want to sell. Manners first.

5)-Move out of sales mode and talk about what the product does. Ingredients matter but most people aren't concerned with the amount of raspberry ketones in your product.

 Have THEM instead draw a picture of the future them at the family function down 50 lbs. Of course key it to your product.

6)-Be professional with your pitch and remember you are not a beggar. If they sign up you may be with them for a long time.

7)-If you're beginning the phone conversation remember the fact that they were not expecting your phone call.

 Manage your tonality with an upward pitch.

 This causes a bit of confusion with the prospective recruit and allows you to get into the conversation. 

On the opposite end if they're interested in your opportunity seal the close with a downward pitch.

"Sounds to me like you're ready to join".

8)- Always be learning new skills, but in the meantime what you lack in skills make up for in numbers. 

You will improve get your offer in front of as many people as possible.

9)-Don't be addicted to the outcome. More people are going to say no then yes.

 Remember that there are always more of them then there are of us. The numbers are on your side.

10)-Go to Staple and get a "that was easy button", hit it after every phone call including the hang ups and the one that curse you out.

 Psych yourself.

 Celebrate the wins.

11)- Enjoy the journey.

I'm an Online Marketer, specializing in Bodybuilding, Fitness, Nutrition, Weight-Loss and just about anything to do with Body-Image.
Interested in a Home Based Business- Contact me
Let's Talk.

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