Saturday, March 9, 2013

The "man-up Punk" Workout-Day 2


     In today's hurry up world it may seem impossible to get in a two hour workout, but if you're looking for the ultimate in workouts and to get into incredible shape than this series of workouts is for you.

 Meeting all of the standards of today, you will pack on muscle, build your cardio as if you were doing cross-fit or running, and drop any excess weight to become the shredded beast you want to see in the mirror.

 It would be advisable to take a break mid way and take in 30 grams of protein.

With the first week of this series being fairly, { and I use the term loosely }, easy in the progressive weeks to follow some of the multiple squatting routines will have you literally crawling out of the gym.

    You are responsible for lifting weights{ I'm not your mom}, you should be lifting for a period of time 1 year before attempting this workout,pace yourself. The workout is based on a % of your one maximum lift, it's takes about two hours to run through it, and it stands up to any of today's new cardio workouts. Have fun???

Remember you're responsible for your safety during a workout--same rule apply based on the % of maximum one lift.

1/-Lat Pulldown or Bent-Over Rowing


2/Barbell or Dumbbell Overhead Press

3/Bicep Curl

4/Barbell Squat


5/ Bench Press Fly's-can by done on a ball also


6/ And again 80 sit-ups in groups of 10

One more day this

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